1347 cryptocurrencies
Total Market Cap $3,407.25B
24h Total Volume $31.20B

Maker DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization on the Ethereum blockchain seeking to minimize the price volatility of its own stable token Dai against the IMF’s currency basket SDR. It's token, MKR is a speculative Ethereum based asset that backs the value of the dai, a stable price stable coin issued on Ethereum. Maker earns a continuous fee on all outstanding dai in return for governing the system and taking on the risk of bailouts. Maker’s income is funnelled to MKR owners through BuyBack program (Buy&Burn).

Market share 0.03%
Proof type
24h Open $989.67
24h Low $976.57
24h High $1,023.55
Price in BTC 0.01049733984538 BTC
Current Supply 862,742 MKR
Total Supply 1,000,000 MKR
Market cap $881,526,336
24h Volume (coin) 1,133 MKR
24h Volume (currency) $1,134,770
24h Total volume (coin) 29,547 MKR
24h Total volume (currency) $30.17M
Last updated 2025-02-16 12:00:18 +00:00 GMT
ID Market Type Price Quantity Total
Date Price Volume

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