1347 cryptocurrencies
Total Market Cap $3,614.53B
24h Total Volume $143.35B

DigitalCash (DASH) uses a new chained hashing algorithm approach, with many new scientific hashing algorithms for the proof-of-work. DASH aims to be the first privacy-centric cryptographic currency with fully encrypted transactions and anonymous block transactions, this feature is called PrivateSend and can be found on the official Dashcore wallet.

PrivateSend mixes your DASH coins with other users who are also using this feature at the time, making your transactions untraceable. 

Users can also earn DigitalCash rewards by hosting a master node to help maintain the Blockchain. One must have a balance of at least 1000 DASH in order to host a Dash master node, this collateral is required to avoid 51% attacks on the network.  

  • Untraceable payments
  • Unlinkable transactions
  • Double-spending proof
  • Blockchain analysis resistance
  • Egalitarian proof of work
  • Adaptive limits
  • Difficulty retargets each block
  • Block reward decreases each block according to the formula:
    BaseReward = (MSupply - A)/218, where MSupply = (264 - 1) atomic units and 'A' is amount of already generated coins
  • POW mechanism is a voting system for users
Visit website open_in_new
Market share 0.01%
Proof type PoW/PoS
24h Open $39.96
24h Low $35.13
24h High $40.59
Price in BTC 0.00035060081956 BTC
Current Supply 12,108,921 DASH
Total Supply 22,000,000 DASH
Market cap $426,276,576
24h Volume (coin) 484,888 DASH
24h Volume (currency) $17,069,770
24h Total volume (coin) 1,967,225 DASH
24h Total volume (currency) $69.25M
Last updated 2025-01-19 23:30:02 +00:00 GMT
ID Market Type Price Quantity Total
Date Price Volume

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